Polysaccharides of Euganean mud

Euganean mud has gained a new record, with new research focused on the validation of its therapeutic efficacy. For the first time, the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity of a compound directly obtained from a therapeutic mud was verified We are talking about the polysaccharides extracted from Euganean mud, the ones ready to be applied on patients.

During the maturation process, the microbiota, mainly composed of cyanobacteria, secretes polysaccharides that are used for the formation of the green biofilm that covers the surface of the mud.


Fig. 1 – Cyanobacteria colonies, grown during mud maturation.

Polysaccharides released by microorganisms have several biological functions: they act as protective barrier, help gaining nutrients from the environment or are used as sinks for the ones in excess, and finally, they allow the adhesion and the aggregation of the microorganisms for the establishment of biofilms.


The biofilm that develops during the maturation process gains a mucilaginous aspect, thanks to the abundance of polysaccharides. At the end of the maturation, when the mud is ready for applications, polysaccharides accumulate. They remain linked to the mud matrix because of their chemical features, enriching Euganean mud.


Fig. 2 – Polysaccharides coloured blue by a specific reagent (Alcian Blue).


Fig. 3 – Freeze-dried polysaccharides extracted from Euganean mud.


In this study, the model organism zebrafish has been used to verify the beneficial activity of polysaccharides. Polysaccharides from Euganean mud possess anti-inflammatory activity, as was observed for EPS of the target species Phormidium sp. ETS05. These polysaccharides allow the correct growth of zebrafish without any neuromuscular or developmental delay after an inflammatory stress, like the zebrafish that are not exposed to the stress induction. Additionally, exposure to polysaccharides has antioxidant activity, which reduces the level of ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species) level of organisms.


Further validatory tests were performed, considering the expression of marker genes for inflammation and oxidation, confirming once again the efficacy of polysaccharides and their involvement in the therapeutic efficacy of Euganean mud. Thanks to this study (Fig. 4), more strength was given to the scientific solidity underlying therapeutic mud treatments.


Fig. 4 – Graphic summary of the study.

All the results and the analyses conducted were published in the prestigious journal International Journal of Biological Macromolecules: In vivo anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects of microbial polysaccharides extracted from Euganean therapeutic muds”, Zampieri et al, 2022