The maturation process

Virgin mud must be placed for a set time in specific steel tanks or containers, in contact with thermal water, for the development of cyanobacteria (see Fig. 1). The cyanobacteria constitute the macroscopic indicator of maturation as well as convey one of the most scientifically investigated therapeutic peculiarities of the mature thermal mud of the Euganean basin.


Fig. 1


Therefore, it is necessary to know and adequately disseminate the specific conditions that allow a good maturation of mud. They are summarized as follows:


  • suitable granulometry of the solid clayey matrix, such as the one of the virgin mud from the Euganean area,
  • adequate presence of solar radiation to encourage the development of cyanobacteria,
  • recirculation of the surfacing thermal water,
  • suitable temperature of thermal water,
  • constant contact between mud and water for about 60 days (when the virgin mud is used).


The image below shows a tank after the first 5 days of maturation; we can clearly see the development of cyanobacteria on the surface of the mud:





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